Monday, November 5, 2012

Interview With Catherine

This is my interview with Catherine a mother from the Special Delivery Club and the Bright Starts Group. She has attended both and is still a participating member.

I hope that her answers help someone in Haliburton County make a choice to call and inquire about one or both of these groups.

The Interview

Q. How did you find out about the groups ? (Special Delivery Club and Bright Starts)

A. Through my doctor visits of my 3rd pregnancy.

Q. When did you start the groups? During pregnancy, after birth or after first birthday?

A. During my third pregnancy.

Q. What was your first reaction when you attended the first day?

A. I felt good that I was finally getting to visit with other pregnant moms and getting help with parenting and pregnancy issues. Also was good to get the free milk.

Q. What were some reservations you might have had before you attended your first group/day?

A. Meeting new people was hard, dealing with anxiety. Was nervous and shy.

Q. What's your favourite thing about the group(s)?

A. Being with other moms, relating with people having the same issues as me, getting help when I needed it most.

Q. What are some of your favourite activities you and/or your child has done with either group?

A. Learning the circle songs, and getting my children socialized with other kids.

Q. What are some of your best memories from attending group(s)?

A. Being able to talk to other moms and getting out of the house to do it is probably the best memories of both groups. If I didn't have that opportunity, I'd have probably gone crazy.

Q. If you had to pick just one thing to talk to people about from attending group(s) what would it be and why?

A. All the help that they have offered me when I extremely needed it. They were always there to help me with a solution or given my family what we needed at the time.

Q. What are some of the things you would tell someone who is interested in attending or might benefit from attending either or both groups?

A. There is a lot of parenting help offered for who needs it. Gives you a chance to get a break, to sit down with other moms and have a good conversation. Provides you and your kids with a good lunch while you are there. Sends you home with milk which is good because it's so expensive. Provides travel money or a way to get there so that you can be a part of the program.

Q. What kind of things have you learned at group?

A. How to deal with struggling parenting problems. Where to get help with issues from around the county. That I'm not alone in my struggles, that there are many dealing with the same stuff.

Q. If you were to have another child would you want to attend The Special Delivery Club again? If so or not, Why?

A. I would definitely attend again if I was having another child. I felt better knowing that I had a place to go once a week that I could be with other moms to talk about what I was going through, and also to get me out of the house. For a place to relax knowing my child was being looked after for a little while. To get help when I need it, and not being judged for my situation.

I would like to thank Catherine again for taking part in this interview.

If you would like to join or learn more about either group please contact
Daniela at 705-457-1742 ext 31 
Or visit 

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